Thursday, May 31, 2007

Someplace to Visit.

The Motor City Bar, located on the Lower East Side of the island of Manhattan, is a standard New York theme bar. It is however New York's only Detroit themed bar. According to one review, the Motor City Bar presents much of the 'raw charm' that can otherwise only be found in Detroit. That raw charm is provided by the owners, Detroit Natives who were transplanted to NYC 10 years ago and have operated Bar ever since. With car seats as bar benches, hubcaps on the walls and murals of multiple big three classics, I could see easily forgetting that I'm away from the D at all. But the auto theme alone isn't what carries this bar. It's the attention to the smaller details that really make it feel like home, like local Detroit street signs and sports logos. (There's a wings logo on the window near the entrance.) This will surely place where I'll go if homesickness kicks in. Personally, my favorite feature is the white board behind the bar. If you are missing a friend you can buy them a drink and the bartender will write your name, their name, and the drink you bought them and will leave it there for your friend to redeem at a later date. That's something I will likely use at least once. If you come to visit, make sure you swing by the Motor City Bar and check to see if I've bought you a drink lately.

So considering the apparent popularity of the Motor City Bar in New York, I couldn't help but wonder what New Yorkers think of the real Detroit. After a quick search, I found a fantastic article that gave me my answer. Check this out if you have time. I like that they call Detroit "a friendly small town masquerading as a desolate big city." I have to say that I agree whole-heartily with that statement.