Thursday, May 22, 2008

Open Invitation

Initially, after moving to New York, I told my friends I'd only be gone for 2 or 3 years. Unfortunatly, as many of my friends know, I can't make a decision and stick with it to save my life, which is why you rarely find me planning ahead. After just 10 months, I decided one year in NYC was enough and planned my return to Detroit. Then, things began to change again. School in New York became an option, as well as friends and a life here. I soon decided that after my return to Detroit I would move back to New York after a year to begin a new career and finish my degree. Well, yesterday I renewed the lease on my Bronx apartment for one more year, ensuring that I'm not giong anywhere anytime soon, and I'm honestly very happy with my decision. Still, I love and miss everyone back home very much, so in the words of the great Benjamin Franklin, "We must all hang together, or assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Seriously, Benjamin Franklin said that and honestly he couldn't be more right. So I say come hang with me in New York or surely we will all hang separately... and none of us wants that. Anytime you feel the desire to waste some vaca time on a trip to NYC and have the added bonus of a free place to crash and a kick ass tour guide (that would be me), you're welcome to visit, as long as you don't mind a couch or an airbed for accomodations.